Open a new image  300 x200 white background:
Select your draw tool.  Use these settings on your draw tool palette:
Drag a line from side to side across your image, let go.  One click above the line, let go, then another click and let go like this illustration shows:
You should have a curved line that looks like this:
Select your text tool and place the cursor over the line until you get an x with the letter A. Click and use these settings while typing in your own name(You can experiment with the font type and size later):
Your image should look like this now:
Go to your layer palette and click the + that is beside the layer you are using.  Now click the little glasses beside the sub layer that says bezier. Like this:  
Go back up and click that layer again right click, select merge-merge visible. Here is your curved Text:
Now use your imagination to decorate it.  Here is a sample of what I did with mine.  I used Super blade Pro with the Mah_goalden preset, then added a drop shadow, a shamrock charm on a gold ring, diamond tubes and sparkles, then animated it.