Open a new image (transparent 300x200) Flood fill with white.
Using your text tool write your name, use these settings:
(if your name is kind of long, instead of 48 set to 36)2
Your work should look like this now:
Go to selections-select all. Now using your magic wand touch the name. You should have what looks like marching ants around the name like so:
Go back to selections-save to alpha channel. The window that comes up should look like this:
Click ok then a smaller bow will come up asking you to name the selection, name it if you want. Click ok.
Again go to selections-modify-contract, number of pixels=3. Now presss the delete button on your keyboard 2 or 3 times. Selections-select none.
AGAIN go to selections-select all. Use your magic wand to highlight your name again. This time the marching ants will only be around the edge of the name. Do not move the name at all, if it moves bt mistake, just undo and try again. Ok so now you will have something that looks like this:
This part can either be done using only psp or it can be done using super blace pro. I usually use super blade pro, but not everyone has it, so I will only refer to using psp effects. But at the end of this tutorial I will show examples using super blade pro.
Go to effects-texture effects-sculpture. Find the pattern I had you save at the beginning of this tutorial and use these settings:
Now it should look like this:
Effects-3d effects-drop shadow, use these settings:
Now it should look like this:
Selections-load from alpha channel, there should only be one selection on the window that comes up, so click ok.
Now the marching ants should be on the inside edges of the letters.
Selections-modify-contract=3 pixels.
Now it's time to fill it.... Flood fill with the color or pattern of your choice. Something like this:
Here are a couple examples of what you can do with this effect:
Hope you have had a fun and fairly easy time taking this tutorial.